Monday, March 25, 2013

Fire knows nothing ...

Every fire will meet its end
A perpetual sea of ashes

Every fire will see its tongue
A shivering leaf of love

Every fire will eat its own meat
A soliloquy of hate and love

Every fire will embrace its death
A bond of darkness in some valleys

Every fire will shine its own skin
A graveyard is born every second

Every fire knows not its meaning
A pain and a few flowers become ash

Every fire will hide in its chimneys
When it sails past its desires

Every fire is irrational, impulsive and crawling
As it knows its origin of hunger and lust


Sunday, March 10, 2013

An Ode to Darkness

A pitch blend
A carbon black
A lead pebble
A curl of roots and leaves
A radiant jewel of beaches
A curse of blindfolded wisdom
A mind of wrinkled viscera
A myth of worms and walkers
I know various colors of darkness
I know they pity them
That I knew them never before

My eyes ever loved the red
Even the seaweeds were rose petals underneath
I know they laugh at me
When I shy away at their dark bloods now

Odor of black
Order of melancholy
Odd tints of mud
Ordains of minced meats
Ornamental rituals
Orifices of blood and fury
Even dark leaves of olive
Elliptical curves of iris
Eclipse of the daring moon
Enigma of the dying mountains
Energy of the clouding ashes
I know they play with me now
When I wanted them to silence my foes

Darkness never fails its preys
Darkness never feels its depths
Darkness never perishes at nights
Darkness never ages with lights
Darkness never climbs any mountains
Darkness never mourns at any death
As it knows only to survive its days and dreams


Saturday, March 9, 2013

They Pie my life

Be it a pen and paper
                 They pie my life
                 They make my weathers
Different vegetation
Their high-low
Variant temperature
Evening sickness

Among the reasons, ruthless
For a clueless morning

Missed a voyage
When I departed a graveyard

Among the reasons, ravaging
For a cold blood winter

I count my steps, sickles, and sweat-skins
To every other lies and mountains
They move indeed
Along with your eyes and beliefs

Not a Jesus, be born again
To surmount your lies and lows


Heavens, I, Deny

My life
         My surface of life
                              My smiles of life
                                               My horizons of cliffs
I try not to hurt you
            At least by my words
                         They lip my love
                                 My live my life

I departed those clouds
                 that figured leaves
                        of disjointed heavens

I deny the sickness of those carriages
                whatever name you call it
                wherever you baptize them holy
                let that be whitewashed churches too!

A wrinkled face writes to me
A wrinkled face I see on all
                 my mirrors, not by ages
                 but by anger and angst
                 whichever of them is born first
                 though I never know
                 yet, heavens, I, deny that you own my clouds

Chavez, my words for you

Mr. Chavez,
               I don't have any flowers for you

You lead a nation, I know
You spoke a lot, I heard
You were a TV Star, I saw
You scolded Bush, I loved
You teased Obama, I laughed

     Your antics and acts carried mysteries, I think
     Your actions and orders were verbose, I felt

A pack of lies, you covered
A baggage of power, you loved
A mirror of glamour, you loved

     A nation that I love, you loved
     A nation that I love, you lead
             I have only tears for you 


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Blood, Sand and Mist

I blood, sand and mist
              They red, sane and eat
My veins, self and hungry self

I blood, sand and mist
Ahead of my head, around my sound, at least my zest

Blood, sand and mist,
Where do they meet?
When do they meet?
Why do they meet?
By birth, by death and by depth and deceit

Blood for the bath
Sand for the soul
Mist for the miseries
I carry them forward from left to right
Rinsing my illness of lies

I blood, sand and mist
I stay irritant, hesitant and reluctant
Throwing the words, Shielding the eyes, gazing the gales

Blood of life, I love
Sands of time, I travel
And mist of mistakes, I celebrate
All for one and one for all

Original flowers, Oak forests, Odd calenders
They unite our wishes
Our blood, our sand and our mist


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

From Macbeth to Othello: A Song for all the Blood Bathers

A Song for all the Blood Bathers

This poem is born out of pure anguish on a system where we embrace the illusions and deny the realities. This verse has a lot of pretexts, named blood bathers' and has no particular context as this will define and redefine the context... Please continue to read!

At least I know, the value of my sweat
That it never stinks
Even if it is as old as my memories
Even if it is as deep as my wounds
Even it is wiped out of my bones
Even when it is ironed out of my skull

At least I know the pain of my eyes
When they return a moist and wind
When they roam islands for miles and hours
When they blink endless like mermaids
When they blind me with mulititudes

At least I know the pain of my words
When they are only harsh at my loved ones
When they have to be sweetened for my foes
When they have to be coated for all sort of crooks
When they have to be licked for all those leeches

At least I miss the breathing second for a while
Though I exist and continue to exist
Knowing that I exist and I continue to perish
Unknowing that I perish and continue to exist

At least I know I am moving beyond all horizons
Because Sea has never been so vast
Because Shores have never been so narrow
Because Streets have never been so silky
Because Snakes have never been so plenty

At least now you know
that I am not blind like an owl
that I don't dig like a mice
that I dont't degenerate like a soil
that I don't despair like a lover
thatt I don't believe in your lies
that I don't see any cages ahead
that I have words at my mercy
that I can sketch my wounds
that remember to forget
that I forget to remember

#Gokul [  Read, Rationalize, Revolutionize ]

Friday, March 1, 2013

A Brother for all ...

He carries himself
A wilderness
A vivid voice
Mother of all his thoughts
Is way beyond, beyond all bondages

A fire will never catch fire
It will never wait
           For others
                       To quench its thirst

No hunger
             No hallucinations
All by itself

He carries himself
                   A vivid voice
His eyes
            So sharp and shaped

And my brother. Abey ...
               All by himself
               Is a brother for all ...
